Warm up the T-shirt cannon!
Yeung, one of our recent new members, has brought a bunch of new equipment to the space!

It happens we’ve had this vinyl cutter kicking around for a few years. It goes by “The Clipper”. I think there were TV commercials about it in the 80s.

And Yeung brought also brought some heat transfer vinyl, which The Clipper can cut out very accurately, so that you can stick cool graphics to things. Things like T-shirts!

✨Then, on Friday… magic happened!✨

And here’s the host of the whole event, wearing the shirt he designed and made at VHS, doing what comes naturally when a Robotic Semi-aquatic Rodent (designed and built and overclocked and exorcised by a VHS member, of course) is on the premises.

Thanks so much for running this workshop, Yeung! Welcome to VHS! 😘